Gainesville High School
830 Century Place
Gainesville, GA. 30501
Name |
Position |
Ext |
Voicemail |
Email Address |
Givens, Scott |
Physical Education |
159 |
206 |
Gonzalez, Beth |
Secretary Freshman Academy |
162 |
162 |
Ham, Jenny |
English |
295 |
Harrison, Judy |
Guidance Office |
116 |
116 |
Hawkins, Heather |
Secretary Guidance Office |
Head, Dave |
Math |
218 |
Henson, Mark |
Science |
280 |
Hill, Chris |
Science |
219 |
Hill, Manson |
Math |
220 |
Hill, Melissa |
Math/Activities Director |
248 |
Holland, Jarret |
Holleman, Kay |
Counselor Arts and Sciences |
171 |
Horne, Robert |
Special Education |
Howard, Rick |
World History |
200 |
Hudson, Mahogany |
Physical Education |
Hughs, Laura |
First Floor Purchasing Director |
169 |
169 |
Hulsey, Stephanie |
English |
277 |
Jackson, Karen |
Family and Consumer Sciences |
289 |
Jackson, Michael |
Counselor |
143 |
143 |
Jackson, Sarah |
Special Education Parapro |
Jones, Julie |
Librarian |
126 |
126 |
Jones, Wayne |
Physical Education |
Kelley, Kathy |
Social Studies |
223 |
Kemp, Jeremy |
Physical Education |
168 |
207 |
Kemp, John |
Credit Recovery |
275 |
Kemp, Michael |
Campus Principal |
113 |
113 |
Choral Director |
141 |
141 |
Larkin, LaCrisia |
Career Education |
129 |
129 |
Leach, Teresa |
Science |
209 |
Little, Debbie |
Bookkeeper |
114 |
114 |
Lloyd, Cindy |
English |
201 |
Lucas, Darrell |
Construction |
226 |
Lykins, Sandra |
QBE Clerk Guidance Office |
158 |
158 |
Maehrlin, Gay |
English |
220 |
Mance, Chris |
Pricipal CIA Academy |
115 |
115 |
Manring, JoAnn |
Special Education |
227 |
Martin, Ken |
Principal Freshman Academy |
125 |
125 |
Mason, Laurie |
Secretary for Arts and Sciences |
McCall, Joshua |
Latin |
287 |
McConnell, David |
Social Studies |
228 |
McDonald, Clay |
Physical Education |
159 |
271 |
McElwee, Beth |
Math |
229 |
McGruder, Janice |
Business/Marketing |
225 |
Michelsen, Pam |
English |
252 |
Miller, Adam |
Physical Education |
288 |
Miller, Andy |
Math |
269 |
Miller, Bruce |
Physical Education |
133 |
133 |
Miller, Donna |
Business /Yearbook |
130 |
130 |
Miller, Larry |
Band Director |
2036 |
Moore, Jennifer |
Physical Education |
159 |