Results/Expectations and Operational Plans

For 2007 - 2008

Dr. Steven E. Ballowe




GOAL 1:    To educate all children in Gainesville City to be successful students.


Objective 1:    Emphasize individual student achievement in language arts/ reading, mathematics, science, and social studies through increases in test results and high school end-of-course and graduation tests.


1. c.     High (5.0)
December 2007 and May 2008: Dave Shumake/Principals


DOE end-of-course assessments


Georgia High School Graduation Tests with 95% meeting  expectation


(Georgia High School Graduation Tests with 95% meeting expectation in Science and Social Studies)


‘Pre’ and ‘post’ assessments in science and social studies classes which have EOCT.


‘Pre’ and ‘post’ assessments in math which have EOCT.


‘Pre’ and ‘post’ assessments in English/Language Arts and  Reading


Objective 2:    Maintain the number of AP, dual credit, or college courses. (4.0)
January 2008: Mike Kemp



Objective 4:    Update existing standards and reflect new Georgia Performance Standards for the following:


4.c.      Secondary (5.0)
October 2007: Dave Shumake/Principals


Objective 5:    Increase by 5% the number of students taking AP exams for Class of 2008. (5.0)
January 2008: GHS Leadership


Objective 8:    Graduate 95% or more of students with senior status by July 31, 2008. Report to Board by September 2007 and compare Class of 2006 and 2007. (5.0)
September 2007: Mike Kemp


Objective 9:    To work with high school to increase the number of students passing the initial graduation exit exam over 2007.  Report in May 2008. (5.0)
May 2008: GHS Leadership


Objective 11:  For all students/parents grades 6-12 (GMS academies) to have an annual conference.  Report to the Board in December 2007 and June 2008 a cumulative report, citing contacts by telephone or in person with every student. Extended counseling and mentoring must include a focus on career options and expanded vocational opportunities for students. To work with the middle/high school counselors to define a career and academic plan to articulate our students’ progress complete with a timeline, personnel requirements and staff development needs.

11.b.    High School  (4.5)
September 2007 and June 2008: GHS Leadership/Shirley Whitaker


Objective 12:  Increase the SAT scores by 5 points (for the Class of 2008 over the Class of 2007)


12.a.    Increase total score for students completing college prep program by 5 points.  (4.0)
June 2008: Mike Kemp

12.b.    Increase total score for total student population by 5 points. (4.0)
June 2008: Mike Kemp


Objective 13:  To maintain student attendance at 95% or improve by 1% over 2007-2008.  All students will have a parent conference following the 5th, 10th and 15th absence, per administrative procedure, unless medical conditions are documented.  In addition, coordination with community agencies such as courts and family services will be identified and reported. (4.0)
December 2007 and June 2008: Elfreda Lakey


Objective 14:  Compare 2007-2008 utilization to baseline data for 2006-2007 for laptops at GHS and usage. (4.0)
November 2007: Mike Kemp/Keith Palmer


Objective 15:  Maintain the number of minority students taking the ACT and/or SAT.  Report in November 2007 data for Class of 2007 and 2008. (4.5)
                         December 2007: Dave Shumake


Objective 16:  To evaluate our interdisciplinary writing plans for our K-12 curriculum by January 2008, including fall 2007 and spring 2008 district-wide writing assessments in grades K-8, including the addition of a science rubric in writing. (4.5)
January 2008: Dave Shumake/Literacy Coaches


Objective 18:  Maintain baseline data of students assigned alternative assessment  intervention (IEP, ESOL) by November 2007, and improve and  reduce.  Provide a quarterly report of students exiting the programs with designated time identified.  (3.5)
December 2007 and June 2008: Laura Herrington /Principals/David Shumake


Objective 19:  By November 2007 to have the GMS and GHS leadership teams to report on implementation for grades 6-12 articulation for athletics, incentives, activities, arts and academies. (5.0)
March 2008: Mike Kemp/GHS/GMS Leadership
    Designing Incentives for Student Achievement and Performance Recognition


Objective 20:  Review 2007-2008 attendance data for Transitional Academy, G.L.A. and Phoenix Academy and ‘Fast Track’.  Compare to the 2006-2007 year.  Cite 2006-2007 students’ progress to: (3.5)
February 2008: Mike Kemp



GOAL 2:    To provide fiscal accountability to the citizens of Gainesville/Hall County


Objective 9:    Require all personnel receiving supplements for activities to complete a yearly syllabus and put online to be approved by the principal and assistant superintendent by August 30, 2007. (3.5)
October 2007: Elfreda Lakey


Objective 13:  To provide quarterly reports on all athletic and activity gate receipts. (4.0)
Quarterly: Janet Allison/Mike Kemp 


GOAL 3:    To provide clean, safe and educationally appropriate facilities conducive to learning.

Objective 1:    Continue to participate with the Superintendent in establishing a Culture of Success (a district/school environment fostering learning demonstrated by a total focus on the school vision, school mission, core of values, and strategic focus).  Quarterly reports will be provided. (5.0)
October 2007 and June 2008: Elfreda Lakey/Principals
    Centennial Arts Academy - October 2007
    Enota Multiple Intelligences Academy - September 2007
    Fair Street IB World School - October 2007
    Gainesville Exploration Academy - October 2007
    New Holland Core Knowledge Academy - October 2007


Objective 6:    To update a review of all campus crisis plans and campus safety controls by November 2007 to meet state and federal requirements with budget recommendations reported to the Board. (3.0)
November 2007: Mike Kemp

    Centennial Arts Academy - November 2007
    Enota Multiple Intelligences Academy - November 2007
    Gainesville Exploration Academy - November 2007


GOAL 4:    To provide an atmosphere for staff to become innovators and be risk takers.


Objective 1:    To utilize the evaluation process to improve performance of certified and classified personnel by providing timely and specific feedback.  Quarterly reports will be made to the Board identifying the number of formal and informal evaluation visits completed each month by each administrator.  New staff and ‘staff at risk’ will be evaluated each of the first three months with success stories or issues documented each month. (5.0)
Quarterly: Elfreda Lakey
    Centennial Arts Academy - August 2007  September 2007  October 2007  November 2007 
       December 2007  
    Enota Multiple Intelligences Academy - August 2007 September 2007  October 2007 

                               November 2007   December 2007
    Fair Street International Baccalaureate World School - August 2007  September 2007

                               October 2007    
    Gainesville Exploration Academy - September 2007   October 2007  November 2007 
    New Holland Core Knowledge Academy  October 2007   November 2007
    Gainesville Middle School - September 2007   November 2007
    Gainesville High School - October 2007   November 2007
    Teacher Observations - November 2007
    Bus Drivers' Culture of Success November 2007


Objective 2:    By June 2008, the final report will be made on the implementation of ‘new’ athletic administrative procedures and options to involve Hispanic students. Quarterly reports due August 2007, March 2008, and June 2008. (5.0)   
Quarterly: Mike Kemp/Steven Ballowe
    Hispanic Initiative 7-6-07


Objective 5:    To maintain teacher attendance at 97% or improve by 1% over 2007-2008. (4.5)
December 2007 and June 2008: Elfreda Lakey
    August 2007
    September 2007
    October 2007
    November 2007


Objective 6:    To coordinate a shared reading study with your faculty using: The Gainesville Model, A Framework for Understanding Poverty, and No Excuses for all new employees, and additional books such as Leading with the Heart, with the total faculty as identified by each faculty. (3.5)
October 2007: Shirley Whitaker
    Centennial Arts Academy - November 2007
    Enota Multiple Intelligences Academy - November 2007
    Fair Street International Baccalaureate World School-September 2007
    Gainesville Exploration Academy - October 2007


GOAL 5:    To have continuing dialogue with our communities.


Objective 1:    By October 2007 identify strategies to focus on parental involvement to expand the daily involvement with the schools, including offering classes/workshops to enhance parenting skills.  Communication should also express the necessity for parents to be involved in education, in the schools and at home every day. (5.0)
Quarterly: Shirley Whitaker/Principals
    Centennial Arts Academy - November 2007
    Enota Multiple Intelligences Academy - September 07
    Fair Street IB World School - August 07
    Gainesville Exploration Academy - October 2007
    New Holland Core Knowledge Academy - October 2007
    Fair Street IB World School - October 2007
    Connect-ED Usage Report



Objective 3:    To establish a Faculty Home Visit Team and attempt to ‘use’ all faculty with at least one visit, that will visit the homes of all new students within nine (9) weeks of enrollment/moving into the community.  The Team will include administrators, teachers and members of the PTA.  (4.0)
Quarterly: Principals/Shirley Whitaker
    Enota Multiple Intelligences Academy October 2007
    Centennial Arts Academy November 2007
    Fair Street International Baccalaureate World School-September 2007
    Gainesville Exploration Academy August 07
    GMS Earth Quest Academy October 07   Humanities November 2007 
    GHS Freshman Academy September 07
    Fair Street IB World School - October 2007


Objective 6:    To provide mentors for the 10% of students struggling in each school family by January 2008. (5.0)
January 2008: David Shumake/Principals



GOAL 6:    To address recommendations of the S.A.C.S. review


Objective 2:    To identify specific approaches to improve communication with low socioeconomic and Hispanic families. (5.0)
November 2007: Steven Ballowe/Principals
    Hispanic Initiative 7-6-07
    Hispanic Initiative 8-16-07 Update
    Centennial Arts Academy November 2007